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The 10 foods you should be eating every week if you want to lose weight

 The 10 foods you should be eating every week if you want to lose weight

While there are plenty of nutritional options that can help melt away the fat - there is no magical food that can make it instantly disappear.

But by maintaining a healthy nutritional diet, the weight can drop off over a period of time.

A simple way to get all the nutrients needed to keep you fuller for longer is to add foods with high fibre or protein to your meals, both aiding weight loss.

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Slows digestion keeps us feeling fuller longer which is important when someone is in a calorie deficit - a common approach to weight loss.

We've listed 10 things to add your diet, to spice up the kinds of diet-friendly ingredients on your shopping list, as reported by The Express.

1. Chia Seeds

Fibre is essential for anyone looking to lose weight, so consuming a serving of chia seeds - which is roughly two tablespoons - satisfies a whopping 40 percent of daily fibre needs.

Adding them to porridge at breakfast times is quite popular - or look for recipes for energy balls with them as a key ingredient.

Chia seed bread with peanut butter 

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2. Fatty fish

The NHS recommends eating at least two portions of fish a week - and strangely one of them should be a oily fish.

According to experts this supports heart and brain health.

Oily fish can help your diet (Image: Unknown)

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon, sardines and tuna may help to reduce body fat and seafood is also high in protein which can help curb hunger, keeping you fuller for longer.

3. Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are dark leafy vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale and arugula.

The health benefits of these vegetables are fast.

Broccoli is a green that can help faster weight loss (Image: John Myers)

They are also low in calories and carbohydrates, making them the perfect non-starchy addition to any weight-loss plan.

4. Wholegrains

Instead of cutting out starchy carbs like pasta, bread and rice, choose wholegrain alternatives.

In addition to vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, whole grains like whole-wheat pasta, brown rice and quinoa contain fibre to keep us feeling satisfied.

Brown bread is worth a try (Image: Getty Images)

Plus, bodies and brains prefer energy from carbohydrates, so consuming these foods alongside protein and healthy fats can reduce cravings for refined carbs and sugar, which can sometimes sabotage weight-loss efforts.

5. Apples

Fruits are a smart addition to any healthy weight loss plan.

Apples are particularly good to have on hand throughout the week because they're relatively cheap, keep for weeks in the fridge and make for super-portable snacks.

Fruit box from Leicester Market (Image: Becky Jones)

They're also high in water content and fibre - especially if you eat the skin - and they are low in calories and filling.

6. Fermented foods

Gut health is a hot topic right now and in addition to supporting immunity and good digestion, a healthy balance of good bacteria in the intestinal tract may help to promote fat burning.

Experts suggest including a few bites or sips of probiotic-rich foods most days.

Yoghurt is a probiotic (Image: Getty)

Good sources of probiotics include kefir and yoghurt (but be careful of the sugar content), sauerkraut, kombucha and tempeh.

7. Pistachios

Nuts are a great snack to be included in a weight loss plan - they’re satiating and satisfying thanks to their healthy fat, fibre and protein content.

Pistachio nuts are delicious (Image: Derbyshire Live / Ria Tesia)

Pistachios, however, are one of the lowest-calorie nuts available, coming in at just 160 calories per serving.

8. Eggs

Eggs are a great breakfast option as they are high in protein.

They are cheap and extremely versatile so even if you choose to eat them every morning, they can be cooked a different way to ensure diet boredom is kept at bay.

Soft boiled egg with toast soldiers.

Prep them too, and they are a great snack if you like a cold boiled egg.

9. Avocados

Avocados are usually missing on most diet plans due to their fat content.

Those who consume about half an avocado a day along with a healthy diet have lower body weights and waist measurements.

Think carefully about what you are putting on your plate (Image: Daily Record)

If you want to include avocado in your diet, eat two to three portions a week max, and remember, a little goes a long way when you mash it up and spread it on toast, or chop it into small pieces for a salad.

10. Dark chocolate Waitrose Belgian Dark Chocolate with Raisins and Almonds

Those with bit of a sweet tooth probably hate the fact chocolate is usually banned on a diet, but dark chocolate is a great addition to ensure weight loss is sustainable.

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