100-Muslim Baby Names with meanings
Popular Muslim Boy Names
1-Abdul-Salaam Boy Servant of the peace2- Abdul-Salam Boy Servant of the peace
3- Abdul-Samad Boy Servant of the eternal
4- Abdul-Sami Boy Servant of the all-hearing
5- Abdul-Shakur Boy Servant of the most thankful
6- Abdul-Tawwab Boy Servant of the forgiver
7- Abdul-Waahid Boy Servant of the one
8- Abdul-Wadood Boy Servant of the loving
9- Abdul-Wadud Boy Servant of the loving
10- Abdul-Wahhab Boy Servant of the giver
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11- Abdul-Wahid Boy Servant of the one
12- Abdulaakhir Boy He who does not change as the world messes his life
13- Abduladl Boy The servant of the unique lord
14- Abdulafuw Boy One who is the servant of the forgiving master
15- Abdulaliyy Boy A man who is respected and dignified
16- Abdulazaz Boy A great servant of the almighty Allah
17- Abdulbaasit Boy A mythological character \who shows traits of the creator
18- Abdulbadee Boy The one who begins life and traditions
19- Abdulbarr Boy Honored to serve the great one
20- Abdulfataah Boy A servant of solid character
21- Abdulfattah Boy One who defeats his enemies
22- Abdulghaffar Boy Abdul mean 'servant of Allah' and Ghaffar means 'merciful'
23- Abdulghafoor Boy He who loves to serve the merciful master
24- Abdulghani Boy One who is dignified and helps all
25- Abdulhady Boy It is an Arabic name that is used to mean Allah
26- Abdulhafeez Boy The protector of his master
27- Abdulhafid Boy One who serves the protector
28- Abdulhafiz Boy He who serves the God's defender
29- Abdulhakam Boy He who works for the judge
30- Abdulhakeem Boy Abdulhakeem means servant of the kind man
31- Abdulhakim Boy A person who is wise and benevolent
32- Abdulhaleem Boy He who serves the patient master
33-Abdulhasib Boy Servant of the respected one
34-Abduljame Boy The one who serves the farmer
35- Abdulkabeer Boy
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36- Abdulkareem Boy Slave of the generous god
37- Abdulkawi Boy The one who can search for new ideas
38- Abdulkhafiz Boy The person who supports the blessed one
39- Abdulkhaliq Boy He who follows the creator
40-Abdull Boy A servant of god
41- Abdulla Boy Variation: abdullah
42- Abdullah Boy Servant of god;The father of Prophet Muhammad
43- Abdullateef Boy One who serves a kind and noble man
44- Abdulmaalik Boy The servant if the Master of mankind
45- Abdulmagid Boy The famous devotee of the Lord
46- Abdulmannan Boy The servant of the generous one
47-Abdulmateen Boy Servant of the firm and strong one
48- Abdulmu'izz Boy He who is worthy of praise
49-Abdulmuhaymin Boy The one who serves the guardian of life
50- Abdulmuhsen Boy One who stands by the truth
51- Abdulmuhsi Boy The slave of the special one
52- Abdulmuhsin Boy He who serves the supporters of society
53-Abdulmuhyi Boy One who sacrifices his life for all
54- Abdulmuiz Boy He who sacrifices life for almighty
55-Abdulmujahid Boy The one who is responsible for his actions
56-Abdulmujeeb Boy Servant of the Allah- the one who answers prayers
57- Abdulmumin Boy The one who guards his faith
58- Abdulnafi Boy The one who serves the person favored by God
59- Abdulnaseer Boy He who is helpful 64
60-Abdulkabir Boy Helper to the most great Allah
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